Source code for pfrl.policies.gaussian_policy

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

[docs]class GaussianHeadWithStateIndependentCovariance(nn.Module): """Gaussian head with state-independent learned covariance. This link is intended to be attached to a neural network that outputs the mean of a Gaussian policy. The only learnable parameter this link has determines the variance in a state-independent way. State-independent parameterization of the variance of a Gaussian policy is often used with PPO and TRPO, e.g., in Args: action_size (int): Number of dimensions of the action space. var_type (str): Type of parameterization of variance. It must be 'spherical' or 'diagonal'. var_func (callable): Callable that computes the variance from the var parameter. It should always return positive values. var_param_init (float): Initial value the var parameter. """ def __init__( self, action_size, var_type="spherical", var_func=nn.functional.softplus, var_param_init=0, ): super().__init__() self.var_func = var_func var_size = {"spherical": 1, "diagonal": action_size}[var_type] self.var_param = nn.Parameter( torch.tensor( np.broadcast_to(var_param_init, var_size), dtype=torch.float, ) ) def forward(self, mean): """Return a Gaussian with given mean. Args: mean (torch.Tensor or ndarray): Mean of Gaussian. Returns: torch.distributions.Distribution: Gaussian whose mean is the mean argument and whose variance is computed from the parameter of this link. """ var = self.var_func(self.var_param) return torch.distributions.Independent( torch.distributions.Normal(loc=mean, scale=torch.sqrt(var)), 1 )
[docs]class GaussianHeadWithDiagonalCovariance(nn.Module): """Gaussian head with diagonal covariance. This module is intended to be attached to a neural network that outputs a vector that is twice the size of an action vector. The vector is split and interpreted as the mean and diagonal covariance of a Gaussian policy. Args: var_func (callable): Callable that computes the variance from the second input. It should always return positive values. """ def __init__(self, var_func=nn.functional.softplus): super().__init__() self.var_func = var_func def forward(self, mean_and_var): """Return a Gaussian with given mean and diagonal covariance. Args: mean_and_var (torch.Tensor): Vector that is twice the size of an action vector. Returns: torch.distributions.Distribution: Gaussian distribution with given mean and diagonal covariance. """ assert mean_and_var.ndim == 2 mean, pre_var = mean_and_var.chunk(2, dim=1) scale = self.var_func(pre_var).sqrt() return torch.distributions.Independent( torch.distributions.Normal(loc=mean, scale=scale), 1 )
[docs]class GaussianHeadWithFixedCovariance(nn.Module): """Gaussian head with fixed covariance. This module is intended to be attached to a neural network that outputs the mean of a Gaussian policy. Its covariance is fixed to a diagonal matrix with a given scale. Args: scale (float): Scale parameter. """ def __init__(self, scale=1): super().__init__() self.scale = scale def forward(self, mean): """Return a Gaussian with given mean. Args: mean (torch.Tensor): Batch of mean vectors. Returns: torch.distributions.Distribution: Multivariate Gaussian whose mean is the mean argument and whose scale is fixed. """ return torch.distributions.Independent( torch.distributions.Normal(loc=mean, scale=self.scale), 1 )